Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yummy, Porn!

This is a blog about sex so lets talk PORN! Everyone should watch porn, or at the very least everyone should masturbate, and even if you say you don't, I know you do. If you really aren't lying about masturbating or not, you should jump on the band wagon, especially if you live a stressful life. If I'm stressed out or can't sleep I masturbate, after all it is much healthier then smoking a cigarette or drinking or even stress eating. Personally, I prefer to watch porn while I masturbate, and I'm guessing the majority of the male population of the world feels the same. And surprise surprise men, women enjoy porn too! I have a handful of girlfriends who I know for a fact watch porn or have watched porn at some point in their lives because they have flat out told me. Thank g-d for the Internet, because now any and every one of your fantasies can be displayed for FREE for your viewing! AWESOME

[Now don't get confused, and assume that I approve of kiddy porn, rape, or anything similar, because I don't. No those sick bastards have abused the concept of porn, but I'm not going to get into this subject today.]

It is fascinating how much sex sells, and for those conservatives who blame everything for what their kids do on the media and exploitation of sex, well I bet those are the people who have never had a real orgasm! Now I don't necessarily think that your daughter should be let out of the house if she chooses to prance around like a little slut, but there is such a thing a sexy over slutty. As long as you educated kids on condoms, birth control, diseases, etc.. then who gives a shit if they watch porn?! Oh right I forgot, its a sin. But I've never seen the term porn in the bible, so get over it.

One of my favorite movies of all time is, "The Girl Next Door," about a high school senior who meets the girl of his dreams, and she just happens to be a famous porn star. Congrats to the people who came up with that storyline; it's a perfect way to bring in the target audience of young adult males who we all know LOVE porn. Not to mention the open-minded chicks like myself who enjoyed the movie as well. One of the plot lines in the film deals with how sex-ed videos suck, and because they suck teens aren't paying too much attention to them in class. So how do you reach your target audience of 12-18 yr olds? PORN! In the film the characters come up with and produce a sex ed film acted out by porn stars, genius! I would watch it, and since you're reading this blog, I'm guessing you would too. From my knowledge no one as stolen this idea, but I think someone totally should. Because honestly watching the "Miracle of Life" doesn't make me not want to have sex, just not ever have a baby. Sure, in that sense it promotes birth control, but the thought of going through the pain of giving birth is not the least bit appealing.

This leads me to consider once again the affect of using sex to sell anything. People generally gravitate towards things that attract them, things that make them feel good. So bravo Abercrombie for those gorgeous buff men you have splattered all over your walls! Because not only is he hot but just the thought of him in my bed gets me wet! Why do you think so many teen queens love that store? Lots of color, hot babes on the walls, that sexy cologne smell, oh and hot staff! Personally, Abercombie is a little to preppy for my style, but I still understand the attraction.

Sex sells, and in with the economic state were in today, it should be kept in the back of your mind. SEX & BOOZE, I'm thinking an investment in a strip club is probably a good idea ;)

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