Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Common Sense Gene & Lack There Of

I believe I have discovered the real reason for the lack of quality men in the most recent generations, the lack of the Common Sense gene. Lack of common sense generally comes when you don't think before you speak or act. I'm not saying that you should completely nix the idea of acting on impulse or being spontaneous, but there is a time and place for that. Part of having common sense, which is where I've found most men lack is thinking about how your actions will affect those around you, especially those who you care about. Such as saying you will call, and then not. Ok, so you actually can't talk when you said you could, well is it so hard to call and quickly say I will call you back when it is convenient or at least send a text saying the same thing? Is it really that hard? No

It's more frustrating and annoying then anything else. For example I just got broken up with in a way that hasn't happen since I was 17, which makes it even more horrible because we're not in high school anymore! I'd been seeing this guy for a little over a month, he sent me love letters, asked me to move in with him, took me to lunch with his grandmother and mother, was affectionate in public, nice to my friends, wouldn't let me pay for anything, basically picture perfect. I drop him off at his house after going to lunch one afternoon, we kiss good bye, he says he'll call me later, everything is peachy keen THEN I NEVER hear from him again. WTF is that? I mean be a man, use some common sense and at the very least text me and tell me why you want things to end. I'm a big girl ya I'll probably be crushed but I'll get over it.

It doesn't matter how old they are, the above example is 22, so you might say well he's young, he'll learn, he wont. I went to the bars the other night to grab a couple drinks with some friends. I'm minding my own business trying to consume this massively large shot, which I was not particularly excited about, when I get tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and standing before me is a 6'4 muscular man around the age of 28-32. He introduced himself by telling me that he has a Masters and asked if I wanted to dance. I said yes then after the 2nd dance I went back to talk to my friends. He followed and just stood there, so I turn to him and say I think I'm going to hang out with my friends for a bit, he asked what I thought he should do. Seriously? Use some common I say you hang out with your friends I'll hang out with mine and I'll find you later. Instead of getting it he says I really do have a masters I can show the certificate. So here I am thinking to myself, well isn't that dandy. Impressive, yes, but you have to have a lot more going on then a masters to make me interested.

Finally he gets it (or so I think) and goes back to talking to his friends. My girl L and I decide to go play some pool, a couple of our guy friends come and watch. Then we get approached by this man and a woman who ask to play 2 on 2 next, we say sure. Then their pose follow and I soon realize that they are Mr. Master's friends. So I tell one of my guy friends to cock block for me, my boy puts his arm around my waist, staking his "claim" yet Mr. Masters still comes up and tries to talk to me. Not only does he interrupt the conversation of my new "boyfriend" and I but he offers me a gift! CREEPY. He says its a very important token and he wants to give it to me. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy gifts..from people I know. I politely decline and say thank you but I'm undeserving (note: my boy is still standing there with his arm around my waist giving Mr. Masters the evil eye). Who gives someone a gift that they just met? Let alone a girl who is standing there with another guys arm around her waist? People who lack common sense is the only realistic answer. Or people who lack observation skills, but the two seem to go hand in hand for the most part.

Now by this time I'm getting slightly frustrated, yet I don't want to seem rude so I politely excuse myself by saying "Excuse me while I got to the bathroom." (I really did have to go). Mr. Master's turns to me and asks, "I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" So I pause, and think, using my common sense I realise that this guy doesn't get it. So I say, "Honestly, I think you should use actions above words to prove your attraction to someone." Referring of course to him telling me several times that he has a masters in order to make me want to talk to him.

Listen up men: Yes looking good on paper is nice, but it is more of a bonus than anything else. I want to like you for you, personality and physical attraction are much more important to me than whether you have a masters degree or not! Also use some common sense and observe! It takes all of two seconds, G-d forbid you have to use your brain for once!

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